Who Are We?

A warm welcome awaits you at Bromborough Methodist Church. We are a congregation of all ages and backgrounds. Our membership is around 67, but our wider community includes the large number of people of all ages who use our premises during the week. Our Regular Activities page will give you a flavour of what goes on.

We are also happy to arrange for weddings, funerals or baptisms.

We are a broad church, encompassing those of different theological viewpoints and preferring different styles of worship, but with a common aim to proclaim God's love and make Jesus relevant to ourselves and those around us. With this in mind our Sunday worship follows a varied pattern, from the more traditional to "contemporary". Our projector system allows us to draw from a wider range of hymns and songs, and make use of images and video clips to illustrate the message.

Not all our activities are on Sunday. We have a friendship group and bible study group. There is also a team of pastoral visitors who will always offer a listening ear and make sure that no-one ever feels left out.  

Bromborough Methodist Church was founded in 1927, and is situated on Allport Lane in Bromborough, about half a mile south of Bromborough village centre. It is one of 24 churches in the Wirral Circuit, which in turn is in the Liverpool District of the Methodist Church.

Our Calling

The Methodist Church provides a blueprint for how we should respond as a church to God in our Christian lives, entitled our calling. It suggests that we work out our faith under four headings, Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism.