Sunday Worship

10.30 am      Morning Worship
6.30 pm        Bible Study (1st Sunday of each month)

The 10.30am service on Sunday is normally conducted by a local preacher or our own worship leaders (once per quarter) plus a monthly Communion Service usually by our own Minister.
Refreshments are served in the church after the morning service.

At 6.30pm on the first Sunday of the month there is a Bible study to which all are invited.
Occasional ecumenical Services are arranged by the local "Churches together in Bromborough and Eastham" (abbreviated to CTBE).

A series of study groups are arranged by CTBE during Lent.

The church is well served by our own local preachers, worship leaders, organists, pianists, readers, flower arrangers, refreshment providers . . . . all contributing in different ways to make our worship meaningful and to the glory of God.